



MnDOT Major Highway Projects Report 2023

Update on the status of major highway projects in Minnesota. 


IIJA Overview by MN Transportation Alliance

A summary of the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)


Local Option Transportation Funding in Minnesota - July 2022

An update on revenue generated by the wheelage tax, sales tax, vehicle excise tax and aggregate materials tax.


Local Bridge Replacement Program – State of the Program

This document provides a summary of the Local Bridge Replacement Program (LBRP) in 2021. It also documents remaining needs looking forward over the next five years.

2022 Work Zone Speed Management Study

Work zones place workers in an inherently dangerous environment. However, when workers are placed next to traffic, the risk of injury or death increases. Changes to the roadway environment, driver behavior, and high levels of traffic volumes and/or speeds each contribute to the dangers faced by road workers.  

On June 26, 2021, 2021 Laws of Minn., 1st SS, Chap. 5, Art. 4, Sec. 140 was signed into law. The law requires Commissioners of Transportation and Public Safety to perform a work zone speed management study. 

2021 Alliance Local Option Sales Tax Report

An examination of the local option wheelage tax, sales tax, vehicle excise tax, and aggregate materials tax – July 2021

Final 2020 Alliance Local Options Sales Tax Report

An examination of the local option wheelage tax, sales tax, vehicle excise tax, and aggregate materials tax – June 2020

Local Contributions to State and Regional Transportation Facilities in Minnesota

Jerry Zhirong Zhao, Principal Investigator, Humphrey School of Public – May 2020

This research assesses the contributions of local expenditures to state and regional transportation facilities in Minnesota.

MnDOT Dedicated Fund Expenditures Report - January 2020

Report by MnDOT and DPS providing detailed expenditures and transfers from the trunk highway fund and highway user tax distribution fund for fiscal years 2018 and 2019. The report includes information on the purpose of each expenditure.

MnDOT Major Highway Projects Report - 2019

This report provides the status of major highway projects completed during the previous two years or under construction or planned during the year of the report and for the ensuing 15 years, and trunk highway fund expenditures, and efficiencies achieved during the previous two fiscal years.

State Construction Program Outlook - November 2019

An overview of MnDOT’s highway construction program through FY2023, including a break-down by investment category and a list of projects from the FY2020-23 STIP with an estimated cost exceeding $15 million.

Local Funding for Counties Report - 2019

The Local Options for Transportation Funding Sources for Minnesota Counties is an examination of the local option wheelage tax, the sales tax, the vehicle excise tax and the aggregate tax. The Transportation Alliance and other transportation advocate push for expansion of the authority to all 87 counties.

FAST Act Recommendations for Minnesota

The Transportation Alliance worked with stakeholders, including MnDOT and the Metropolitan Council, to develop these recommendations for the reauthorization of the FAST Act which expires in 2020. Our recommendations focus on the unmet needs in Minnesota and urge Congress to fix the federal Highway Trust Fund and improve transportation policies to enhance Minnesota’s ability to access federal funds and develop transportation projects quickly and efficiently.

Transportation Funding Options: All the Options Analyzed

Current funding for the maintenance and construction of Minnesota's roads, bridges, transit systems and other modes is insufficient to address the state's growing mobility and safety needs. Several state agencies maintain and analyze transportation finance data for the purpose of developing projections for various transportation funding options. Legislative staff also provide useful analysis on transportation funding trends. In this report, we hope to provide a one-stop source for the latest estimates of funding options that are or could be under consideration by state policy makers.

Report on Major Highway Projects, Trunk Highway Fund Expenditures, and Efficiencies - December 2016

The Major Highway Projects, Trunk Highway Fund Expenditures and Efficiencies report, MHPR, provides a snapshot of MnDOT’s programming and delivery for all large construction projects meeting the cost thresholds laid out in statute. The scope of the report and the information it contains are meant to inform the reader about MnDOT’s business planning, building, operating and maintaining Minnesota’s transportation system.

MnDOT Highway Project Selection: Evaluation Report - March 2016 

In April 2015, the Legislative Audit Commission directed the Office of the Legislative Auditor to evaluate the process by which MnDOT selects construction projects on the bridges and highways under its jurisdiction.

New Local Cost Participation Policy - February 2016

On February 19, 2016 the Governance Council approved the Cost Participation Policy and Manual.

New Report Documents Impact of $600M Investment in Highways and Bridges - December 2015

The report makes the case for the direct impact that the quality of the state’s transportation system has on the state’s economy and the business community. (Press Release)

Analysis demonstrating that a sustained $600 million annual increase in highway and bridge construction work in Minnesota will boost the state’s total economic output by $1.45 billion - a return of over $2.40 for every $1 in spending. This level of investment will also create and sustain an additional 12,238 jobs throughout the state’s economy.