Transportation in Minnesota is undoubtedly in an age of immense traffic increase. Like much of the rest of the world, vehicles are a must in this 21st century
United States culture. What once had only 10 vehicles traveling daily, now has 1,000 vehicles traveling. And what once had only 140 vehicles traveling daily, now has 140,000 vehicles traveling.
Often people do not realize the crucial need to continuously develop and improve our road systems. How can you as a citizen, of not only the United States, but the state of Minnesota, help improve and change the future of Minnesota transportation?
The country and the state of Minnesota have been rapidly growing leading to congestion in the metro area. According to mn,gov., “Minnesota’s total population is estimated to exceed 6 million by 2032, and grow to nearly 6.8 million by 2070.” In a 2015 report conducted by the Regional Transportation Management Center (RTMC), Minnesota is seeing large amounts of traffic build-up between the hours of 5:00 AM to 10:00 AM and 2:00PM to 7:00PM.

Source: dot.state.mn.us
With the current growth rate, Minnesota’s pertinent issues such as decaying bridges, pothole-filled roads, faded dividing lines, and more as well as increasing safety should not be overlooked much longer. Citizens of Minnesota must actively pursue the necessary improvements to make our “Land of 10,000 Lakes” safe and secure again.
What are some tangible actions that Minnesotans can take?
- Contact your legislators and urge them to increase funding for transportation.
- Text the word “Transportation” to 52886 and get more information sent to you.
- Get the word out. Let Minnesotans know that this cannot be overlooked.
Source: Data by Topic: Our Projections.” MN State Demographic Center. N.p., 30 Mar. 2017. Web. 03 May 2017